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#27 2016-10-05 15:47:45

Registered: 2016-10-01
Posts: 20

Re: Infos about records...

This is amazingly awesome news Slig, thank you for making these modifications.
Yes, on the public and heavily populated public servers there are usually always 30 dedis on any given map but their map selection is never great/good (Usually they seem to keep the map selection at about 500 maps which again are only from a few different authors) and its either just lolmaps or speedfun maps that are played on such servers.

Hopefully it won't cause any troubles to these record tables, 10 million entries is already alot damn. I can't imagine it changing too much tho, there's way less players now than what it used to be, which is also the reason why less and less maps get played frequently.

Anyways this is greatly appreciated and thank you again for doing this. smile smile


Last edited by xeqzion (2016-10-05 15:56:51)


#28 2017-04-08 16:36:05

TinaCT | ?urzel
New member
Registered: 2017-04-08
Posts: 7

Re: Infos about records...


I just noticed that many of me records are deleted oO

First i did not give it a second thought (only a bit annoyed), but then admins of some servers expressed their mistrust (even i am not DediBanned and can drive new Dedi Records on all tracks)
It would be a pity if I would be banned by Adm / OPs because my locals do not show up in the Dedis

And ... Why ???


#29 2017-04-08 18:27:32

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2012

Re: Infos about records...

Don't post in an unrelated topic.

flauschix wrote:

I just noticed that many of me records are deleted oO

First i did not give it a second thought (only a bit annoyed), but then admins of some servers expressed their mistrust (even i am not DediBanned and can drive new Dedi Records on all tracks)
It would be a pity if I would be banned by Adm / OPs because my locals do not show up in the Dedis

And ... Why ???

Standard procedure with a warning for cheating.
In this case on VCqBS0Jjeik8B1I2Jj9ROxew_Rf (track name Shadow Zone, not on TMX), with impossible sectors 1 and 2.


#30 2018-02-23 00:59:40

New member
Registered: 2016-08-08
Posts: 9

Re: Infos about records...

Hello, is there any chance to get the current cleanup method for inactive maps/records? For example on this map, KticrOEGXdcOVze2qyfYt89Jkw9, it only has 3 records for way more than 30 days but they have not been removed yet tongue

Also it would be awesome to know since some of the older RPGs (2011-2014) might lose the records and I'd like to try and keep them alive by driving new records there (:


#31 2018-03-10 21:46:51

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: Infos about records...

actually for tmf (few monthes ago i increased the time limits to be nicer with players still playing this good old tmf... but i will have to check the impact on database size, so it may change again if it appear to be too nice) :
< 2 records and > 15 days
< 4 records and > 40 days   (i just changed, it was 60 days)
< 6 records  and > 365 days  (was <8 recs)
< 20 records and > 730 days  (was <12 recs)
>= 20 records no time limit

(update 03/2021)


#32 2018-03-16 18:51:58

New member
Registered: 2016-08-08
Posts: 9

Re: Infos about records...

Awesome, thanks for the answer, really cool change from you guys^^


#33 2021-03-22 01:33:08

New member
Registered: 2021-03-21
Posts: 4

Re: Infos about records...

Is it possible to add an exception for given server? I have an island server which holds max 6 players and just once a week and i cant fill new digged out old from tmx maps with dedis.

Last edited by gorn_z34 (2021-03-22 01:33:37)


#34 2022-07-07 18:21:39

New member
Registered: 2021-03-21
Posts: 4

Re: Infos about records...

OK its time to refresh this topic with a very important request, me and many other servers owners found this feature, the recs erased from non-played maps a very annoying, some even asked me after explaining why you do this and i respond to them that dedimania erases times from non played maps, they asked me if you can turn it off, now the most important part of this post: Trackmania United Forever is a dead game and most of maps that doesnt have any dedis, its barrellly impossible to these dedis ever fill up to 20 at least, especially on the servers with thousands of tracks of which hundredths are unplayed(played, with many locals but 0 dedis), i want to ask: If there is an option to disable this records erasing from other environments than stadium? Leave as it is for stadium only but let this almost dead game to function normally on other environments, i tried to answer to few other my friends and server owners why you do that, and after i explained to them everybody of them asked me if i can write a post on a dedi forum because its very annoying so i do this.

Last edited by gorn_z34 (2022-07-07 18:29:11)


#35 2024-01-03 16:08:04

???» McBain ??
Registered: 2008-04-26
Posts: 20

Re: Infos about records...

Hey all, I realized a couple of records from maps which didn't have updates in the last 10 years are removed even if there are over 20 records. Has the policy changed or is it a bug?

Cheers McBain


#36 2024-01-24 17:00:40

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: Infos about records...

Maps with 8 or more records should not have been removed (TMF, at least since november 2022).
Now maps with 4 records or more should not be deleted (TMF).


#37 2024-01-25 22:44:11

???» McBain ??
Registered: 2008-04-26
Posts: 20

Re: Infos about records...

I really appreciate your and Xymphs work keeping dedimania alive! It's one of the reasons TMF is still alive online a little bit. Having that said I want to ask if you have a backup from some time in 2023 to restore the records of those old maps? I'm pretty sure it's a very big chunk of maps that got lost and it's really sad. If I should guess I would say it happened mosts likely in Q4/2023, maybe Q3. Unlikely the record loss happened before already.

Cheers McBain


#38 2024-01-26 09:15:31

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2012

Re: Infos about records...

With a (short) list of UIDs, I could take a look, but don't get your hopes up.


#39 2024-01-27 00:33:55

???» McBain ??
Registered: 2008-04-26
Posts: 20

Re: Infos about records...

I appreciate your offer to look into this! I have some examples of my tracks affected. The first 2 im 100% sure, the last one only like 80%.
- L5ybtaeylJojhq_SNUb9lOSPLBm
- zbDNijAAdumWotVD1LPQ7mKY6Ih
- wb1Ctn3SSpedS3QSCFc8jnfshbe

It could be more tracks affected.


#40 2024-01-27 11:45:28

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2012

Re: Infos about records...

mcbain wrote:

I appreciate your offer to look into this! I have some examples of my tracks affected. The first 2 im 100% sure, the last one only like 80%.
- L5ybtaeylJojhq_SNUb9lOSPLBm

All 2010 recs still present, including yours.

mcbain wrote:

- zbDNijAAdumWotVD1LPQ7mKY6Ih

All 2008-2013 recs still present, including yours.

Wasting our time with false alarms is not appreciated.

mcbain wrote:

- wb1Ctn3SSpedS3QSCFc8jnfshbe

I loaded the oldest (2023-11-16) dump still in my primary backup system, and it indeed has no entries. But now I can't be bothered to dig into my incidental secondary backups anymore.


#41 2024-01-27 13:58:33

???» McBain ??
Registered: 2008-04-26
Posts: 20

Re: Infos about records...

Hello, thanks for looking into this and apologies for incomplete information. The issue I observe is potentially then much less big than I thought.

With your 2nd link: I don't see all 3x entries. There are gaps. I see rec #1 in TA, then #2 and #3 only for rounds, #4 for TA again. In total is see only 20 entries, but I would expect something like 33 (30 TA and 3 rounds). … ow=RECORDS

So I explain in more details my initial observations:
1) I go to the database:
2) I click search by author
3) I click author mcbain and mcbayne
4) Those maps (except for the last) are not showing up
5) I didn't realize I can search the database in another way and then things would show differently. Sorry for that!

So either some records are lost somehow or it's just not showing up properly under some circumstances. I hope for the last and sorry for the inconvenience! I don't want to cause unnecessary efforts but I see this weird behaviour so I reported it.

Last edited by mcbain (2024-01-27 14:27:45)


#42 2024-01-28 00:02:00

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2012

Re: Infos about records...

mcbain wrote:

With your 2nd link: I don't see all 3x entries. There are gaps. I see rec #1 in TA, then #2 and #3 only for rounds, #4 for TA again. In total is see only 20 entries, but I would expect something like 33 (30 TA and 3 rounds). … ow=RECORDS

Select RGame All and get 33 entries.

mcbain wrote:

So I explain in more details my initial observations:
1) I go to the database:
2) I click search by author
3) I click author mcbain and mcbayne
4) Those maps (except for the last) are not showing up
5) I didn't realize I can search the database in another way and then things would show differently. Sorry for that! … Limit=1000 has 838 entries … ow=RECORDS has 33


#43 2024-01-28 00:59:16

???» McBain ??
Registered: 2008-04-26
Posts: 20

Re: Infos about records...

Ok, seems im stupid. Sorry again.

I can't make these smart tables with exactly the request im doing but the original issue I had remains. Seems like everything with the database is fine and with the workaround you show me I can see all records again
But to be complete and make me look a little less stupid. I click author=mcbain, not login=mcbain. In the window with the 3 entry options I don't see these old challenges anymore. … Limit=1000

--> so this is somehow the request, but with CHALLENGES instead of RECORDS and then I dont see them anymore. But now that the database is fine, maybe I just need to drive those old maps once again and then most likely records will show up in the view I use regularly again.

Last edited by mcbain (2024-01-28 01:01:00)


#44 2024-01-28 09:13:46

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2012

Re: Infos about records...

mcbain wrote:

I can't make these smart tables with exactly the request im doing but the original issue I had remains. Seems like everything with the database is fine and with the workaround you show me I can see all records again
But to be complete and make me look a little less stupid. I click author=mcbain, not login=mcbain. In the window with the 3 entry options I don't see these old challenges anymore. … Limit=1000

--> so this is somehow the request, but with CHALLENGES instead of RECORDS and then I dont see them anymore. But now that the database is fine, maybe I just need to drive those old maps once again and then most likely records will show up in the view I use regularly again.

That lists challenges you authored, not the ones you raced on that were authored by others.


#45 2024-01-28 13:33:51

???» McBain ??
Registered: 2008-04-26
Posts: 20

Re: Infos about records...

I mean of course on dedimania, not TMX smile
This is possible when you click challenges and then you enter mcbain in author field.

But nevermind, it would have just been nice if you could understand what im doing.


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