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#1 2017-02-23 20:38:45

Registered: 2016-03-25
Posts: 47

tera_xyz is back?

I'm not sure if i'm supposed to create a topic for that..

Hi, i've seen something strange, about the player whose login is : "syos." i think he's the player who got banned already. He reminds me of this :
" tera_xyz is the same player as the previous logins doing this: corsakoff_live, forceair, loft-room, kingvader, capsogel, and several more." He could be this guy, indeed, he plays the same maps as tera_xyz did before, on a server that seems to be his own. Even one of the maps that Vrba listed in the other topic : … p;id=57044
he gets many worldrecords on many maps made by "zoccer1996" as tera_xyz did.
Just to say that he could be the same player as the one you already banned.

I haven't found any evidence of cheating (i didn't really search (yet)) but if he's the same player, he could do the same thing again as he did many times.
Also another thing: the first records of this account were made 2 months after tera_xyz got banned
Maybe it is the same player but he doesn't cheat anymore?
he has about 500 dedi 1, he knows how to cheat without looking suspect, as he does for longtime (as tera_xyz for example). There are probably still some clues..

Thank you to give it a look


#2 2017-02-24 10:31:51

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2010

Re: tera_xyz is back?

syos. has been on my radar for some time, but I didn't see further clear indications of cheating since then. The fact that the login has a lot of #1 records doesn't mean much either, quite a lot of them are on tracks with fewer than 30 entries which are therefore not tightly contested.

So far any observations about this login vs. older "friends" seem circumstantial: there could be something to it, or not. I don't know, further input is welcome.


#3 2017-02-25 12:43:51

Registered: 2016-03-25
Posts: 47

Re: tera_xyz is back?

yes, indeed, these are just clues, not proofs. i just wanted to make sure that if "he" cheated "again", it would be known, but as he's already on your radar... it was kinda useless
you do a great job Xymph

However i just wonder something, if i understood well, there was something about the tera_xyz server? or just the records? well, anyway it doesn't matter much at this point, and in my position.

Sorry for this sort of waste of time.


#4 2017-06-18 01:50:18

Registered: 2011-05-18
Posts: 108

Re: tera_xyz is back?

just out of curiosity i searched his login and well i had the same impression as OP especially after seeing his driven maps.(plenty of maps all the other accounts used to cheat on) since i started playing those older maps freequently lately. but nothing solid till i guess we will see. if its him.. well he will reveal himself sooner or later big_smile

Last edited by boerta87 (2017-06-18 01:53:10)


#5 2022-08-27 14:33:50

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2010

Re: tera_xyz is back?

A suspect entry by syos. popped up while investigating another cheater. Initially it didn't attract my attention, but now that the entry by oleblesch with last sector in 5.20s is gone (evidently cheated), the 5.34 sector time stands out as well.

Any input from expert drivers?


#6 2022-08-27 17:50:28

Moderator TMĀ²
From: Slovenia
Registered: 2015-01-26
Posts: 351

Re: tera_xyz is back?

Not a chance in this world you can squeeze 0.2 off a normal record sector there, even with wider suboptimal approach Imanaged to get 5.46 sector, but that way you're deliberately taking a much wider and slower line to save ~0.08 on that 1 sector, while his is still 0.12 faster than that.


#7 2022-08-30 21:30:21

Registered: 2016-03-25
Posts: 47

Re: tera_xyz is back?

I agree with vrba. I tried to gather as much speed as possible for the final sector, and only got 5.43 and it was done using a very wide approach. Yet he has a last checkpoint comparable to other dedis (roughly .03 slower than the average).
Using the normal drift it's safe to say that such checkpoints and sectors are very suspicious.
Considering my experience in drifting as well as the sample of times given by the dedis and my offline PB of 15.37, the options are :
- He did the same strategy as everyone else and jumped then drifted but got an insane inside ramstein pull (probably stronger than anything seen before, since his last sector is really really fast)
- He did another strategy with multiple nosebugs instead of drifting (would be realistic for TAS, but remains to be proven humanly possible). You need at least 2 consecutive nosebugs, and the setup seems to be only possible by having a very lucky ramstein bug before the drop.

Other strategies would not be faster. He clearly took the checkpoints in the same order as everyone else, and the last sector consists in a straight line, no cut possible. So the question is how can you do a u-turn ?

His checkpoints might be replicable with an external tool, but the accuracy that would imply remains to be proven possible by human. Such tricks have never been done by humans playing the game unassisted.

Edit : If you were to ask other experienced players, I'm sure they would agree that these checkpoints are the proof of a cheated run

Last edited by adrigav (2022-08-30 21:38:27)


#8 2022-09-02 15:23:05

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 2010

Re: tera_xyz is back?

syos. started mailing me in March 2020, claiming his player account was hacked and, in the latest mail round since Aug 31, his private server too. He uses an email address starting with blackvader2000@, which of course rings a bell. Some entries in Spring 2020 were indeed obviously cheated using the count-down skip hack, on two other servers (seemingly) created specifically for that purpose.

However, the community suspicions do not concern those entries, and instead pertain to older and newer entries cheated in more subtle ways. I brought up a number of specific entries, yet he denies ever having driven most of those tracks, even when the entries originate from his private servers hot.chili and racing-club, or keeps claiming a hacked account caused them. That I do not find credible, because they were mostly cheated in ways different from the count-down hack. Various other questions and assertions are ignored by him, including that the patterns in what syos. is doing are very similar to what corsakoff_live, forceair, loft-room, kingvader, capsogel, tera_xyz, etc. did long ago. Only syos. is more careful and doesn't slip up as frequently as those older accounts.

Here is a re-cap of those specific entries and their consequences:

Strike 1 happened in Sep 2016: … s.#p230802
for a cheated entry on M4v8nCg5oAr5tZRn6QiRaNxDmJ4 at server hot.chili on 2016-09-12 with 8.85s in sector 1 (so not the 2018-06-20 entry still there).
Same with qheM9SbCApYrAr95tuaqmGb0xJf at friendslol on 2016-01-26, already deleted for 6.29s in sector 2.
And on 2016-01-14 this one at 10.78s is also highly suspect: … ow=RECORDS (driven in a set of 3 on friendslol).

Strike 2 in Sep 2020: … s.#p269081
for PYHL0FaKg0dEFCOZVQ7nUzpzsL7 at ue30fully on 2018-01-17 in 9.59s (deleted).
This time all #1 entries from 2018 were deleted as penalty.

Strike 3 is the aforementioned AgfBDjurU6xhJFrBBqEtvbM9Plf on 2021-01-23 in 16.23s, 4th sector in 5.34. This was driven in a batch of 14 entries all on racing-club, and the others don't look cheated. So claims of a hack or never having driven this one track are uncredible.
As well as OtTZbJU49kBXRGNV7Sd_vPmSWUh at racing-club on 2021-09-14 in 16.78s (also already deleted).

I do not find it believable that someone else could have a vendetta against syos. that extends across all these years, and then sporadically cheats so subtly that such entries long fly under the radar. Again, the two servers submitting cheated syos. entries in Spring 2020 did so very obviously. That could even have been instigated to lend (false) credence to the claims of a hacked account for the other, subtly cheated entries.

Normally a repeat offender gets banned at the second distinct offense, and in 2020 I already went for the benefit of the doubt and only deleted a subset of syos.'s records. Now we are at 3 strikes, and we also have a rule that hacking is not a valid excuse, and certainly not believable so many times across so many years for both player login and private servers. I am tired of the excuses, and have already spent many hours on investigations and on mails with a community sparring partner, and with syos. himself. Enough is enough.

So syos. is now banned, and I only haven't deleted any records yet so the above tmstats links work and can be inspected by interested players who perhaps want to contribute to this topic.

Edit 2022-09-06: All top-10 records deleted.

Last edited by xymph (2022-09-06 20:34:20)


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