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  •  » Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

#1 2016-06-12 22:21:56

esu | Orion
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Registered: 2016-06-12
Posts: 1

Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.


I'm using Version 3.2.3t installed it just today and i can't see the dedimania rec.
The server is able to send the records but they is just no window to see them ingame.

I hope you can help me big_smile


#2 2017-07-30 03:12:10

¬????« Kah?i?
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Re: Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

Same problem for me big_smile


#3 2017-08-06 12:40:09

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

You are really sure that the dedimania connection is ok ?   using chat command you can see records ?
Other players can't see it either or it's only you ? (then what player login, and is it the dame with a simple nickname ; i mean with basic characters only)


#4 2018-07-02 08:53:32

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Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 5

Re: Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

Hi slig! I tried installing a dedi server (3.2.3t) again, and I got the same problem as the people who started this topic. Everything works perfectly: the server sends records to dedimania and when I type '/record' I get a list of the top 5 records in the chatbox. But I cannot seem to get the records panel to show up. I tried using the command '/scorepanel all on', and tried activating it through the menu ingame, but to no avail.

edit: also, it does not matter whether I have an ingame nickname with or without special characters.

Last edited by jumperjack (2018-07-05 19:07:54)


#5 2020-03-01 00:43:42

?'Førgøt10 [??]
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Registered: 2009-01-28
Posts: 8

Re: Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

This is an old topic, but I decided to make a server on a VPS running Linux, and ran into the same problem. Latest server version, fast 3.2.3t - just the basic setup from scratch for both, as per instructions.

FAST starts and works without problems, '/rec' does give me top 5 times for current track and mode, I get CP comparisons with top 1 and myself, new records get sent and saved, but there is just no window with the records. Tried every option available in the HUD, checked the config files, didn't find anything. Did anyone ever manage to fix this issue?

edit: Fired up another server in another directory on the same VPS box. Did everything exactly the same way, but used FAST 3.2.3q instead, got the dedi records window running out of the box. I think there is a bug in 3.2.3t, but I can't figure it out by myself. I can provide any information that's required.

Last edited by forgot10 (2020-03-01 12:59:38)


#6 2020-05-04 01:08:46

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Registered: 2007-03-05
Posts: 5

Re: Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

I have same problem with version 3.2.3t.
I install version 3.2.3q and i have not this problem.
Strange... big_smile


#7 2020-05-17 09:32:12

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

I already got such reports, but never got the issue myself.   Maybe something with the php5 release ?

You can test my current eventually :   (it's a package of my old current, with the triple kill support in ktlc plugin), but probably the display issue it still here.  It's the version currently on the Traxico server, so yes for me the display is working !...


#8 2020-06-15 09:21:15

?'Førgøt10 [??]
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Posts: 8

Re: Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

Finally got round to testing 3.2.4a against 3.2.3t. Interesting observation: when 3.2.4a is freshly launched (didn't test FAST restart, but tested 3.2.4a on two different servers), there's initially no Dedi window. But if you got to the menu HUD -> Times panel -> Dedimania, and first click "Dedimania" to deactivate it, then click it back to activate it, the window with records shows up.
Tried the same again with 3.2.3t, still never managed to get the Dedi window displaying.


#9 2020-06-26 13:58:47

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

just to know (because i don't really think about spending time on it), what php version on which OS ?


#10 2020-07-04 10:48:47

?'Førgøt10 [??]
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Registered: 2009-01-28
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Re: Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

php --version
PHP 5.6.40-25+0~20200224.31+debian10~1.gbp0b752b (cli)


#11 2020-07-07 08:40:00

?'Førgøt10 [??]
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Registered: 2009-01-28
Posts: 8

Re: Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

Sorry for double posting, it just occurred to me that a couple of my team mates had exactly the same behaviour running server and FAST under Windows, where php comes bundled with FAST.


#12 2020-07-11 07:00:28

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 886

Re: Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

Hi Forgot10,

that's very strange/weird. The only possibility would be a timing problem, such that Fast sending the manialink too soon to the client in some cases.  I never got that myself for sure.


#13 2020-07-11 14:17:48

V? Ðr??p?????
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Registered: 2020-04-08
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Re: Fast3.2.3t Dedimania Window does not show up.

I just have a check on version "t" ( I am still using version "m" for long time now).

It seems that the lines 540, 581, 676, 677 in plugin.16.ml_times.php which are supposed to show the manialink have been commented for unknown reason.
Uncomment these lines will give back the Dedimania window.

Maybe Slig did that to "delocalize" the ML calling but I can't figure out where else and on which purpose.


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