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#1 2009-04-18 13:08:08

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 884

TM and UTF-8 !...

Dedimania should accept the same UTF-8 chars as the TM dedicated server, so...

General doc about utf-8 :

TM dedicated specificities about UTF-8 :

- single and 2 bytes chars are all supported
- 3 bytes chars are not all suported !!!
- none of 4+ bytes are supported !
- first byte 0, 128, 192 and 193 are not supported !

TM dedicated and 3 bytes UTF-8 chars :

- to test a 3 bytes utf-8 char, you can try to just send it (to the dedicated) as argument of a non existent/fake dedicated method, and you will get a -503 error is the utf8 char is not supported.
- alternatively, the file tm_utf8.phpser in Fast is a serialized array of the 3 bytes sequences which are theoretically ok in utf-8, but not supported by the dedicated.


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