Dedimania forum

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#1 2008-11-22 20:11:26

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 884

Known scripts using Dedimania

List of known scripts which use Dedimania :
- TMX (readonly): Ricardo Rix
- FastNxx/FastSxx/FastUxx : Slig
- Onyx3 : PaGaisu
- XASECO : Xymph
- SaTo : SpeeedAddicts
- RCP4 : Sascha
- TMOOS : Aso
- ASECO_CDV : CavalierDeVache
- ADEDIMANIA : (calsmurf) , w1lla
- TM-DeReCo : dirtye and Speedy64
- TMSPS : Scordo
- CAR : xai
- NeSCo : TheM
- wooty4 : buzz
- TMSC : xpkiller
- TMST : MrJames
- Quick : xai
- ??? : Tybos
- FeniX : Gicos
- ASRM : Phenom
- Flash : haker0srb
- (Mistral): Seychellen
- FoxControl: matrix142 (tm login)
- MXController: tgyoshi (tm2 login)

Perhaps i forget someone, i verified in my emails and tm-forum messages... if it is the case then tell me.

Btw actually i see in stats these ones also...  ASECO , Aseco  !....  wow guys !  You are sending records without having asked, do you find it nice ???   Will I have to forbid all accounts which are using your tool to finally ask ?

List of assigned url/ports :
8000: TMX , ET (and few other readers)
8001: old (TMO/TMS) scripts
8002: TMN/TMU/TMF scripts  (8003 to 8034 will give same as 8002)

Btw you still have to announce any new script !

Now the scripts can just use that url :
The :8002 to :8034 ports are now randomly balanced and redirected to the real used ports on Dedimania side, so using any of them will give the same thing !

It the random redirect is not perfect : after 1 week we can see +20/-20 % on the number of connections on ports. Btw it permit to have an acceptable number of clients connected to all ports, and also to add if needed new servers without changes on client scripts.

- the status pages now show the stats for all real ports servers.
- the 8001 has a very low use now, so you can use it to test scripts and so be sure to see your test server on the 8001 port of the stats page.
- of course, use specific map(s) created for your tests, to avoid messing up records on really used maps !


#2 2008-11-23 20:59:35

New member
From: Venray
Registered: 2008-11-23
Posts: 8

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania

Hi slig if im not mistaking calsmurf started ADEDIMANIA for Aseco 2.20.c release. After he thought it was okay with the program he stopped developing it and i continued. As he was the starter i thought he made contacts with you but overall for the moment it might be nice that we (you and me) start over on a new way so that the dedimania on aseco will stay alive.

PM me here or on tm-forum as: w1lla. or send an email to


#3 2009-04-18 12:31:30

New member
Registered: 2008-05-24
Posts: 3

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania

At the moment I'm trying to make my own server controller.
Using the dedimania plugin made by Xymph.
It's under name: NeSCo. Is it okay to send records?

You can contact me on the TM-Forum with name: TheM or send me a e-mail: max[at]war-missions[dot]nl

Last edited by 「SF」Мลҗ (2009-04-18 12:33:45)


#4 2009-04-18 12:51:18

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 884

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania

「SF」Мลҗ wrote:

At the moment I'm trying to make my own server controller.
Using the dedimania plugin made by Xymph.
It's under name: NeSCo. Is it okay to send records?

Be sure to understand and apply what is indicated on the help page, on the FAQ, and use the right url/ports (see 1st post, ie in your case the Aseco ports).


#5 2009-04-18 12:52:05

New member
Registered: 2008-05-24
Posts: 3

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania

Okay, thanks...


#6 2010-06-29 13:18:15

New member
Registered: 2009-02-09
Posts: 1

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania

Hello !

I've made a new script for my server controller, using dedimania
Name of the tool : Aria Serveur Record Manager (ASRM)
Version : 1.75
Author : Phenom (me)

Sorry if I didn't announce it before, I know Xymph you asked Slig about this tool and who made it


#7 2010-12-30 16:44:52

New member
Registered: 2010-12-30
Posts: 1

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania

Hi Slig,
sent you a mail already,
I want to release a Dedimania plugin for ManiaLive, it will use "ManiaLive" for tool.
If there are problems, then you know where to find me :-)


#8 2012-08-10 16:06:41

CØC - »»Blue»
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Registered: 2009-07-11
Posts: 1

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania

Hi Slig,

I created a new script for my own server controller. Currently it´s still in development, but maybe I want to do some tests (certainly with my own maps). The release of my tool will still take some weeks, but I want to inform you already now. smile

Name: BlueSC
Version: 1.0
Author: Blue

Last edited by slowbone (2012-08-10 16:07:00)


#9 2014-03-06 14:00:06

??? ?? Ph£n?m
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Registered: 2014-02-28
Posts: 2

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania


I'm building a new read-only Dedimania Script for TrackMania ². It still in development but I just want to notice you about it

Name : Lerya
Version : 3.0
Author : Phenom


#10 2014-03-06 19:35:18

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 884

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania


Yes, i've seen your pm on maniaplanet forum, i'll try to reply to you very soon   smile


#11 2014-03-29 16:14:02

??? ?? Ph£n?m
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Registered: 2014-02-28
Posts: 2

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania

slig wrote:


Yes, i've seen your pm on maniaplanet forum, i'll try to reply to you very soon   smile

Ok thanks for your support wink !


#12 2017-01-30 15:18:27
New member
Registered: 2017-01-19
Posts: 2

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania

Hi there,

I've messaged you on the TM Forum, but as it's quite old and you don't seem to have visited it for a long time, maybe it'll be quicker via this topic.

I'm creating a server controller in C++ (at the moment mostly for fun, but you never know), and added a Dedimania plugin. From my side everything seems to be working, tested with a testmap and VR/GR are uploaded properly and everything displays nicely on the stats page.

On the stats page, it displays with this StateMsg: "Read finished (FEOF)". I'm having no issues with retrieving or sending data, so I'm wondering if this is an issue or if I can ignore it.

If needed plugin is here: … /Dedimania



#13 2017-01-31 21:47:07

Fast author / Dedimania maintainer
From: Traxicoland
Registered: 2006-11-23
Posts: 884

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania


I think that it's because the connection is supposed to stay opened and reused call after call, using http keepalive (with a longer keepalive timeout than standard one ; and closed by server side after 600s or 2000 requests), so closing your connection after each request is seen as an error (harmless because it will work anyway, but the beginning of connection take time and resources and it would become too consuming if many clients do it).


#14 2017-02-03 19:23:24
New member
Registered: 2017-01-19
Posts: 2

Re: Known scripts using Dedimania

slig wrote:


I think that it's because the connection is supposed to stay opened and reused call after call, using http keepalive (with a longer keepalive timeout than standard one ; and closed by server side after 600s or 2000 requests), so closing your connection after each request is seen as an error (harmless because it will work anyway, but the beginning of connection take time and resources and it would become too consuming if many clients do it).

Okay, will have a look to see if I can get it fixed - thanks for your response.


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